
    #include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
    #include "spherisym.h"
    #include "compressible/thermal.h"
    #include "compressible/NASG.h"
    #define LEVEL 16
    #define PR 50
    #define pdim 1e4
    #define rhodim 998.21
    #define Tdim 293.15
    #define Rdim 1e-4
    #define cvv1 3610*rhodim*Tdim/pdim
    #define cpp1 4285*rhodim*Tdim/pdim
    #define cvv2 719.18*rhodim*Tdim/pdim
    #define cpp2 1006.85*rhodim*Tdim/pdim
    #define PII1 7028e5/pdim
    #define bb1 6.61e-4*rhodim
    #define qqq1 -1177788*rhodim/pdim
    #define cst1 (1. - bb1)
    #define cst2 cst1*PII1
    #define rcp (cpp1 - cvv1)
    #define pin 1
    #define Tin (cst1*pin + cst2)/rcp
    double rhoL = 1., rhoR = pin/(Tin*(cpp2 - cvv2));
    double p0L = PR;
    double p0 = pin;
    double tend = 1.5;
    double Rbub = 1.;
    double lambda = 64.;
    double tr;
    q.n[right]  = neumann(0.);
    int main() 
      L0 = lambda;
      CFLac = 0.5;
      DT = HUGE [0];
      tr = 0.91468*sqrt(1./(p0L - p0));
      tend *= tr;
      f.gradient = zero;
      gamma1 = 1.187;
      PI1 = 7028e5/pdim;
      b1 = 6.61e-4*rhodim;
      q1 = -1177788*rhodim/pdim;
      cv1 = 3610*rhodim*Tdim/pdim; cv2 = 719.18*rhodim*Tdim/pdim;
      cp1 = 4285*rhodim*Tdim/pdim; cp2 = 1006.85*rhodim*Tdim/pdim;

    For adiabatic simulations, comment out the following definitions of the thermal conductivities.

      /* kappaT1 = 0.59846028987077/(Rdim/Tdim*sqrt(cube(pdim)/rhodim)); */
      /* kappaT2 = 25.685e-3/(Rdim/Tdim*sqrt(cube(pdim)/rhodim)); */
      init_grid(1 << LEVEL);
      TOLERANCE = 1e-6;
    event init (t = 0) {
      if (!restore (file = "restart")) {
        foreach() {
          f[] = (Rbub - x) > Delta/2. ? 0. :
    	fabs(Rbub - x) < Delta/2. ? 1. - 0.5 - (Rbub - x)/Delta :
    	(Rbub - x) == Delta/2. ? 0. :
    	(Rbub - x) == -Delta/2. ? 1. :
          frho1[]  = f[]*rhoL;
          frho2[]  = (1. - f[])*rhoR;
          double pL = p0L*(1. - Rbub/x) + p0*Rbub/x;
          p[] = pL*f[] + p0*(1. - f[]);
          double fc = clamp (f[],0.,1.);
          double rhocpmcvavg = (cp1 - cv1)*frho1[] + (cp2 - cv2)*frho2[];
          double const1 = (fc - frho1[]*b1) + (1. - fc - frho2[]*b2);
          double const2 = (fc - frho1[]*b1)*PI1 + (1. - fc - frho2[]*b2)*PI2;
          T[] = (const1*p[] + const2)/rhocpmcvavg;
          fE1[]   = (pL + gamma1*PI1)/(gamma1 - 1.)*(f[] - frho1[]*b1) + frho1[]*q1;
          fE2[]   = (1. - f[])*(p0/(gamma2 - 1.));
    event centroid (t += 0.0001*0.91468*sqrt(1./(PR - 1.))) {
      scalar ff[];
      double radius = 0.;
      double pressure = 0., area = 0.;
      foreach(reduction(+:radius) reduction(+:pressure) reduction(+:area)) {
        ff[] = 1. - f[];
        radius += ff[]*Delta;
        pressure += frho2[]*(cp2 - cv2)*T[]*Delta;
        area += ff[]*Delta;
      if (pid() == 0) {
        char name[80];
        FILE * fp = fopen(name,"a");
        char str[80];
        sprintf(str,"%g %0.16f %g\n",t/tr,radius,pressure/area);
    event logfile (t += 0.01*0.91468*sqrt(1./(PR - 1.))) {
      stats sp = statsf (p);
      stats su = statsf (q.x);
      stats sT = statsf (T);
      fprintf (stderr,"t = %g, i = %d, dt = %g, min(p) = %g, max(p) = %g, min(T) = %g, max(T) = %g, min(u) = %g, max(u) = %g\n", t/tr, i, dt/tr, sp.min, sp.max, sT.min, sT.max, su.min, su.max);
    event ending (t = tend) {
      return 1.;