
    3D Sessile drop

    This is the 3D equivalent of the 2D test case.

    The volume of a spherical cap of radius R and (contact) angle \theta is \displaystyle V = \frac{\pi}{3}R^3(2+\cos\theta)(1-\cos\theta)^2 or equivalently \displaystyle \frac{R}{R_0} = \left(\frac{1}{4}(2+\cos\theta)(1-\cos\theta)^2\right)^{-1/3} with R_0 the equivalent radius of the droplet \displaystyle R_0 = \left(\frac{3V}{4\pi}\right)^{1/3} To test this relation, a drop is initialised as a half-sphere (i.e. the initial contact angle is 90^\circ) and the contact angle is varied between 30^\circ and 150^\circ. The drop oscillates and eventually relaxes to its equilibrium position. The curvature along the interface is close to constant.

    Relaxation toward a 60^\circ contact angle.

    #include "grid/multigrid3D.h"
    //#include "grid/octree.h"
    #include "../embed-navier.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #include "../contact-embed.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #define T 1.
    double theta0=60, volume_vof_init;
    #define MAXLEVEL 5
    int main()
      size (1.);

    We shift the bottom boundary.

      origin (0, -0.26, 0);
      //origin (-0.5, -0.26, -0.5);
      N = 1 << MAXLEVEL;
      // We use a constant viscosity. 
      mu1 = 0.1; mu2 = 0.1;
      rho1= 0.1; rho2 = 0.1;

    We set the surface tension coefficient.

      f.sigma = 1.;

    We vary the contact_angle.

      for (theta0 = 30; theta0 <= 150; theta0 += 30) {
        const scalar c[] = theta0*pi/180.;
        contact_angle = c;
    event init (t = 0)

    We define the horizontal bottom wall and the initial (half)-circular interface.

      vertex scalar phi[];
      phi[] = y;
      boundary ({phi});
      fractions (phi, cs, fs);
      fractions_cleanup (cs, fs);
      fraction (f, - (sq(x) + sq(y) + sq(z) - sq(0.25)));
    event logfile (i++; t <= T)

    If the standard deviation of curvature falls below 10^{-2}, we stop the computation (convergence has been reached).

      scalar kappa[];
      curvature (f, kappa);
        if (cs[] < 1.)
          kappa[] = nodata;
      if (statsf (kappa).stddev < 1e-2)
        return true;
    #if 1
    event cleanfghost (i++, t<=T, last) { // clean fluid ghost cells
        if (cs[]<=0) f[]=0.;
    #if 1
    event movie (i += 5; t <= T)
     if (theta0 == 60) {
      view (quat = {-0.280, 0.155, 0.024, 0.947}, fov = 32, near = 0.01, far = 1000, bg = {1,1,1},
          tx = 0, ty = 0.299, tz = -2.748, width = 700, height = 550);
      cells (n = {0,1,0});
      draw_vof (c = "cs", s = "fs", filled = -1, fc = {0.8,0.8,0.8});
      draw_vof (c = "f", fc = {0.647,0.114,0.176}, lw = 2);
      draw_vof (c= "f", edges = true);
      mirror (n = {1,0,0}) {
      cells (n = {0,1,0});
      draw_vof (c = "cs", s = "fs", filled = -1, fc = {0.8,0.8,0.8});
      draw_vof (c = "f", fc = {0.647,0.114,0.176}, lw = 2);
      draw_vof (c= "f", edges = true);
      mirror (n = {0,0,1}) {
      cells (n = {0,1,0});
      draw_vof (c = "cs", s = "fs", filled = -1, fc = {0.8,0.8,0.8});
      draw_vof (c = "f", fc = {0.647,0.114,0.176}, lw = 2);
      draw_vof (c= "f", edges = true);
        mirror (n = {1,0,0}) {
        cells (n = {0,1,0});
        draw_vof (c = "cs", s = "fs", filled = -1, fc = {0.8,0.8,0.8});
        draw_vof (c = "f", fc = {0.647,0.114,0.176}, lw = 2);
        draw_vof (c= "f", edges = true);
      save ("movie.mp4");

    We check the volume conservation

    #if 0
    event volume (i++, t<=T){
      if (t==0) volume_vof_init = statsf (f).sum;
      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "volume-angle%g-mesh%d.dat", theta0, N);
      static FILE * fp = fopen (name,"w");
      stats s = statsf (f);
      double erreur = ((volume_vof_init - s.sum)/volume_vof_init)*100;
      fprintf (fp, "%g %.5g\n", t, erreur); 
    event end (t = end)

    At equilibrium we output the (almost constant) radius, volume, maximum velocity and time.

      scalar kappa[];
      curvature (f, kappa);
      stats s = statsf (kappa);
      double R = s.volume/s.sum, V = 4.*statsf(f).sum;
      fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %.5g %.3g %.5g %.3g %.5g\n",
         N, theta0, R, s.stddev, V, normf(u.x).max, t);
    #if TREE
    event adapt (i++) {
    #if 1
      scalar f1[];
        f1[] = f[];
      adapt_wavelet ({f1}, (double[]){1e-3}, minlevel = 3, maxlevel = MAXLEVEL);
      adapt_wavelet ({f}, (double[]){1e-4}, minlevel = 3, maxlevel = MAXLEVEL);

    We compare R/R_0 to the analytical expression.

    The accuracy is not as good (yet) as that of the sessile test.

    set xlabel 'Contact angle (degrees)'
    set ylabel 'R/R_0'
    set arrow from 30,1 to 150,1 nohead dt 2
    kappa(theta) = 2.*((2. + cos(theta))*(1. - cos(theta))**2/4.)**(1./3.)
    R0(V) = (3.*V/(4.*pi))**(1./3.)
    set xtics 30,30,150
    plot 2./(kappa(x*pi/180.)) lw 3 lt -1 dt 2 lc rgb "black" t 'analytical', \
         'log' u 2:(2.*$3/R0($5)) w p pt 4 ps 3 lt -1 lw 3 t 'numerical'


    See also