
    Couette flow between rotating cylinders

    We test embedded boundaries by solving the (Stokes) Couette flow between two rotating cylinders. If SLIP is defined, the outer cylinder is free of viscous stresses.

    #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "src/embed_C.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #define SLIP 1
    int main()
      size (1. [0]);
      DT = 1. [0];
      origin (-L0/2., -L0/2.);
      stokes = true;
      TOLERANCE = 1e-5;
    #if !SLIP  
      int NF = 32;
      int NF = 32;
      for (N = 16; N <= NF; N *= 2)
    scalar un[];
    #define WIDTH 0.5
    event init (t = 0) {

    The viscosity is unity.

      mu = fm;

    The geometry of the embedded boundary is defined as two cylinders of radii 0.5 and 0.25.

      vertex scalar phi[];
        phi[] = difference (sq(0.5) - sq(x) - sq(y),
    			sq(0.25) - sq(x) - sq(y));
      boundary ({phi});
      fractions (phi, cs, fs);

    The outer cylinder is fixed and the inner cylinder is rotating with an angular velocity unity.

    #if SLIP
    ISO C99 requires at least one argument for the “…” in a variadic macro
      u.n[embed] = (x*x + y*y > 0.14 ? navier (0.) : dirichlet (-y));
    ISO C99 requires at least one argument for the “…” in a variadic macro
      u.t[embed] = (x*x + y*y > 0.14 ? navier (0.) : dirichlet (x));
       u.n[embed] = dirichlet (x*x + y*y > 0.14 ? 0. : -y);
       u.t[embed] = dirichlet (x*x + y*y > 0.14 ? 0. :   x);

    We initialize the reference velocity field.

        un[] = u.y[];

    We look for a stationary solution.

    event logfile (t += 0.01; i <= 1000) {
      double du = change (u.y, un);
      if (i > 0 && du < 1e-6)
        return 1; /* stop */

    We compute error norms and display the angular velocity, pressure and error fields using bview.

    #if SLIP
    #define powerlaw(r) (sq(0.25)/(sq(0.25) + sq(0.5))*(sq(0.5)/r + r))
    #define powerlaw(r) (r*(sq(0.5/r) - 1.)/(sq(0.5/0.25) - 1.))
    event profile (t = end)
      scalar utheta[], e[];
      foreach() {
        double theta = atan2(y, x), r = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
        if (cs[] > 0.) {
          utheta[] = - sin(theta)*u.x[] + cos(theta)*u.y[];
          e[] = utheta[] - powerlaw (r);
          e[] = p[] = utheta[] = nodata;
      norm n = normf (e);
      fprintf (ferr, "%d %.3g %.3g %.3g %d %d %d %d %d\n",
    	   N, n.avg, n.rms, n.max, i, mgp.i, mgp.nrelax, mgu.i, mgu.nrelax);
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", filled = -1, fc = {1,1,1});
      squares ("utheta", spread = -1);
      save ("utheta.png");
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", filled = -1, fc = {1,1,1});
      squares ("p", spread = -1);
      save ("p.png");
      draw_vof ("cs", "fs", filled = -1, fc = {1,1,1});
      squares ("e", spread = -1);
      save ("e.png");
      if (N == 32)
        foreach() {
          double theta = atan2(y, x), r = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
          fprintf (stdout, "%g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
    	       r, theta, u.x[], u.y[], p[], utheta[], e[]);


    Angular velocity

    Angular velocity

    Pressure field

    Pressure field

    Error field

    Error field

    set xlabel 'r'
    set ylabel 'u_theta'
    powerlaw(r)=(0.25**2/(0.25**2 + 0.5**2)*(0.5**2/r + r))
    set grid
    set arrow from 0.25, graph 0 to 0.25, graph 1 nohead
    set arrow from 0.5, graph 0 to 0.5, graph 1 nohead
    plot [0.2:0.55][-0.05:0.35] 'out' u 1:6 t 'numerics',powerlaw(x) t 'theory'
    Velocity profile (N = 32) (script)

    Velocity profile (N = 32) (script)

    See also