
    Integration of the advection equation

    This test illustrates how to calculate the advection transport equation,

    \displaystyle \partial_t c + \nabla \cdot (\mathbf{u} c) = 0 \,

    using Basilisk being c any tracer. Note that the above equation only coincides with

    \displaystyle \partial_t c + \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla c = 0 \,

    if the velocity field is solenoidal (\nabla \cdot \mathbf{u} = 0).

    Basilisk provides two procedures to calculate the first equation: advection.h that it is based in the scheme of Bell-Collela-Glaz,1989 and vof.h in which the face flux calculations of the tracer c (associated to a volume of fraction f) are based in the geometrical fluxes of f. We will test the following cases,

    • Case 1. 2D with velocity field u_y=1. Equation solved: \partial_t c + \partial_y (u_y c) = 0. Exact solution: c(y,t) = e^{y-t}.

    • Case 2. 2D with velocity field u_y=1/y. Equation solved: \partial_t c + \partial_y (u_y c) =\partial_t c + \partial_y (c/y) = 0. Exact solution: c(y,t) = y\, e^{y^2/2-t}. Note that the equation is different to \partial_t c + u \partial_y c = 0 because the velocity field is not divergence free.

    • Case 3. Axisymmetric with velocity field u_r=1/y. Equation solved: \partial_t c + y^{-1} \partial_y (y u c) = 0. Exact solution: c(y,t) = e^{y^2/2-t}. Note that the equation is equal to \partial_t c + u \partial_y c = 0 (this velocity field is solenoidal in cylindrical coordinates).

    #define CASE 3
    #if CASE == 1
    #define exact(r,t) (exp(r-t))
    #define veloc(r) (1)
    #elif CASE == 2
    #define exact(r,t) (r*exp(0.5*sq(r)-t))
    #define veloc(r) (1./r)
    #include "axi.h"
    #define exact(r,t) (exp(0.5*sq(r)-t))
    #define veloc(r) (1./r)
    #include "advection.h"
    #include "vof.h"
    scalar c[], f[], cv[];
    scalar * tracers = {c};
    scalar * interfaces = {f};

    To avoid singularities in the velocity field the y-coordinates span between 1 and 2.

    int main()
      X0 = -0.5;
      Y0 = 1.0;
      L0 = 1.0 [0];
      DT = 1.0 [0];
      N = 64;
      f.tracers = {cv};
    c[bottom] = dirichlet(exact(1,t));
    cv[bottom] = dirichlet(exact(1,t));
    event init (i = 0) {
      fraction(f, 1.2-y);
      foreach() {
        c[] = exact(y,0);
        cv[] = exact(y,0)*f[];

    Important! The face vector u is the velocity weighted with the face metric factor fm to take into account properly all the metric terms. This prevention is unnecessary when the tracers are solved together with the fluid motion since the velocity-metric weighting is performed within the navier-stokes/centered.h.

        u.y[] = veloc(y)*fm.y[];

    vof.h does not set the time step “per se”. It leaves this task to other libraries (for example the navier-stokes/centered.h). Therefore we have to compute it.

      dt = dtnext (timestep (u, DT));


    We just compare analytical with numerical results in some instants…

    event profile (t += 0.4) {
      for (double y = 1.; y <= 2.; y += 1e-2)
        fprintf (stderr, "%g %.4f %.4f %.4f\n",
    	     y, interpolate (c, 0., y), 
    	     interpolate (cv, 0., y), exact(y,t));
    event salvado(t = 1.2) {
    set terminal @PNG enhanced size 640,640 font ",12"
    set xlabel 't'
    set ylabel 'c[], cv[]'
    plot 'log' u 1:2  t 'advection.h', 'log' u 1:3  t 'vof.h', 'log' u 1:4  lt 4 t 'Analytical'
    Concentration profiles for several instants. (script)

    Concentration profiles for several instants. (script)