
    8th-order accurate finite-differencing using a 5-point stencil

    Solving the system

    \displaystyle \beta f'_{-2} + \alpha f'_{-1} + f'+\alpha f'_{1} + \beta f'_{2} = a\frac{f_{1} - f_{-1}}{2 \Delta }+ b\frac{f_{2} - f_{-2}}{4\Delta},

    with coefficients,

    \displaystyle \alpha = \frac{4}{9}, \displaystyle \beta = \frac{1}{36}, \displaystyle a = \frac{40}{27}, \displaystyle b = \frac{25}{54},

    yields an 8-th order accurate estimation for f' (Lele, 1991).

    set logscale xy 
    set grid 
    set size square 
    set xr [4:1024] 
    set xlabel 'N'
    set ylabel 'error' 
    plot 'out' u 1:2 t 'L1',\
         '' u 1:3 t 'Max' ,\
     1e10*x**-8 t '8th order' 
    Convergence is OK (script)

    Convergence is OK (script)

    set logscale x 
    set grid 
    set size square 
    set xr [4:1024] 
    set yr [0:9]
    set xlabel 'N'
    set ylabel 'Iterations' 
    set key top left
    plot 'out' u 1:4 t 'Cycles', '' u 1:5 t 'sweeps'
    Convergence is OK (script)

    Convergence is OK (script)

    #define BGHOSTS 2
    #include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
    #include "poisson.h"
    #define DF1(f) ((f[1] - f[-1])/(2*Delta))
    #define DF2(f) ((f[2] - f[-2])/(4*Delta))
    double alphaP = 4./9., betaP = 1./36.;
    double aP = 40./27., bP = 25./54.;
    double residual_pade (scalar * al, scalar * bl,
    		      scalar * resl, void * data) {
      scalar a = al[0], b = bl[0], res = resl[0];
      double mr = 0;
      foreach(reduction (+:mr)) {
        res[] = (a[] + alphaP*(a[1] + a[-1]) + betaP*(a[2] + a[-2]) -
    	     (aP*DF1(b) + bP*DF2(b)));
        if (fabs(res[]) > mr)
          mr = fabs(res[]);
      return mr;
    void relax_pade (scalar * al, scalar * resl,
    		 int depth, void * data) {
      scalar a = al[0], res = resl[0];
      foreach_level(depth) {
        a[] = -(res[] + alphaP*(a[-1] + a[1]) + betaP*(a[-2] + a[2]));

    Set-up a test case

    Differentiating a Gaussian pulse.

    #define F(x) (exp(-sq(x)))
    #define DF(x) (-2.*x*exp(-sq(x)))
    scalar f[], dfdx[];
    int main() {
      L0 = 20;
      X0 = -L0/2.;
      for (N = 8; N <= 512; N *= 2) {
          f[] = F(x);
        boundary ({f});
          dfdx[] = 4./3.*DF1(f) - DF2(f)/3.; //Guess
        boundary ({dfdx}); // BC for the derivative...
        mgstats mgs = mg_solve ({dfdx}, {f},
    			    residual_pade, relax_pade);
        double e = 0, em = 0;
        foreach() {
          double el = fabs(DF(x) - dfdx[]);  
          e += Delta*el;
          if (el > em)
    	em = el;
        printf ("%d %g %g %d %d\n", N, e, em, mgs.i, mgs.nrelax);
        TOLERANCE = 1e-3*em;


    A 6th order accurate approximation for f' can be obtained with the coefficients.

    \displaystyle a = \frac{2}{3}(\alpha + 2), \displaystyle b = \frac{1}{3}(4\alpha - 1), \displaystyle \alpha = \frac{1}{3}, \displaystyle \beta = 0.

    Which has a 3-point relaxation stencil.

    Futher, a 4th order method is achievable on a 3-point stencil.


    S.K. Lele, Compact Finite Difference Schemes with Spectral-like Resolution (1991), in JCP.