/** # My Sandbox Welcome to the `README` of my sandbox. My name is Youssef Saade, a PhD candidate at the Physics of Fluids group, University of Twente. This page aims to provide an overview of the projects under [/sandbox/ysaade/](). ## Thermal all-Mach This section documents all the codes necessary to reproduce the results of the test cases and numerical examples presented in the paper entitled "[A multigrid solver for the coupled pressure-temperature equations in an all-Mach solver with VoF](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.11294.pdf)" * [Spherically symmetric shrinkage of a bubble](/src/test/shrinking.c) * [Axisymmetric shrinkage of a bubble](/src/test/shrinking.c) * [Axisymmetric expansion of a bubble](allMach/AXI_expansion.c) * [Spherically symmetric free linear oscillations of a gas bubble](allMach/linear.c) * [Single bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL)](allMach/sbsl.c) * [Spherical Rayleigh collapse](allMach/thermal.c) * [Bubble collapse near a rigid boundary](allMach/AXI_collapse.c) ## Miscellaneous * [Mercedes-AMG F1 W09’s aerodynamics](f1/f1_W09.c)